Wednesday, June 22, 2011

OMG! It is visible by satellite..

My goodness.  We knew it was going to be as tall as the houses around it, but what we didn't realize was that it would be so....hmmm..."in your face" - big!
The house isn't completed, but we are getting glimpses of the magnitude of it.  I am sure the neighbors are worried, but once the siding goes on it should look much smaller.  Right?

When I was biking yesterday I paused on the I-90 bridge to look at a bald eagle flying overhead.  It is never good to be riding while looking straight up for extended periods of time.  Anyhow, I noticed that in the distance, where our house was approximately located, was a wood-colored beacon sticking out of the hillside.  Yes...our house.  NASA should be contacting us any day now to verify that it is a residential house and not a military target.

Mid-left side of photo- high on the hill.  Again, I am sure it will blend in once it has siding. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Poof! The structure is 90% done!

It has been awesome to watch!  We now have 3 stories to the house.  Our contractor and framers are simply AWESOME.  I would recommend them to anyone!  The contractor is Brian Howson and the framer and builder of the structure is Joe of Assurance builders (I can't seem to find them on the web...).  Please email me if you are interested though!
Our whole house will be up within 2 weeks- this includes all the interior framing.  AND...AND....only 3 guys on the site each day.  They start at 8 AM sharp and are there sometimes till 6!  They rock!  Brian Howson has been spectacular too.  He has been working effectively with our great architect Lee Edwards to get all questions answered in a timely manner, while not slowing the project!  Beautiful harmony!

This was taken June 8 2011- 1 week ago.  There is more built at this point.
This is a view to the back of the house-the kitchen and the small bathroom on the top level.  All interior framing on lower levels is completed. 

Yesterday, they installed the floor to our top interior floor!  WE call this the Rainer viewing room...although you can't see Mt. Rainer when it is cloudy out!

A few of the remaining walls and roof that need to be installed.  Note the thickness of the styrofoam!...That is some excellent sound-proof.  Maybe we will pick up playing the drums!
 It is looking big, but we believe it will shrink in size once the siding is up....and oohhh...what a process in choosing the siding.  We have been tossing ideas around on what type of siding we should do for 2 years.  The debate continues.... It seems so final.  Who changes the layout of their siding?  Especially when you are trying to be 'green'?
That said, I am sure our architect has his hands in the air and is waving them all around as we chang our mind hourly  :)  -

 I think we are leaning toward brown-gray colors....aka taupe-ish

Below are some homes near us that we love ...might be difficult to picture....we want (as our architect stated) timeless modern!

PICTURE A:  We like the big panels- but note that you don't see lines between thh panels- smooth!  Also-they have overhangs (soffits) that are wood.  We will have that too- nice touch.  This house will be referred to as PICTURE A.

Love this house- maybe a bit more modern than we want.  Like that the hardi panels are cut in 1/2.  Want less visible lines however.

Love this house- this picture is CRAP....sorry..from my phone.  We like how it has horizontal slats on left and larger hardi panels on right.

PICTURE B:   Another nifty hardi panel (aka fiber cement board) siding with very smooth integrated finish.

A bit modern, but sweet house in the hood.

PICTURE C:   Our favorite house.  Again, the photo does not do it justice.  This place is a great work of art.RE

PICTURE D:  Neat wood siding house.  Although I love this place, we don't want wood because of upkeep.

A closeup of some trim we liked on a house

PICTUE A...again.

As a reminder, below is the mock-up the house being built. 

So, we are thinking of changing the colors- the middle will have siding like PICTURE C or D (above) and the right and left sides will have siding like either PICTURE A or B.  Color suggestions below..
  These are computer versions of some colors we are looking at....

This is the color of all trim on windows and around edge of the rooflines. Dark Bronze (near black)

Shagbark- option for center portion- it is lighter than this looks!

Status Bronze- option for center

Warm Stone: another option for right and left side little too green

Like this color- it is MINK- it would be for right and left large panels

Like this color- it is FLAGSTONE- it would be for right and left large panels

Feel free to comment on what you do or don't like...
If you have other siding ideas- please let me know!
This is not what I am good at!
thanks all